[253]Sensor-Less Control Based on SM-ADRC of PMLSM
Jingwei Du postgraduate Wuhan University of Technology
16 Dec 2021, 09:15-09:30
ATTENDEE Oral presentation

[252]A New V-groove Trench SiC-MOSFET and an Improved Circuit Pattern for a Low-Los High-Power Single-Ended Wireless EV Charger
Shougo Hirooka Osaka Institute of Technology
17 Dec 2021, 14:40-14:45
ATTENDEE Poster Presentation

[251]An Accurate Magnetic-thermal Coupling Model for Thermal Decay Analysis of Eddy Current Brakes
Zhiwei Gao Beijing University of Technology
16 Dec 2021, 09:00-09:15
ATTENDEE Oral presentation

[250]A New Capacitor Scooter System with a Multi-Coil and Single-Ended Dynamic WPT
Haruka Tomoyasu Osaka Institute of Technology
17 Dec 2021, 14:45-14:50
ATTENDEE Poster Presentation

[249]Influence of pole number combination on magnetic field of wound rotor Brushless Doubly-fed Machine
Weihao Xu Harbin University of Science and Technology
17 Dec 2021, 15:30-15:35
ATTENDEE Poster Presentation

[248]Parameter Design Method for SS Compensated Dynamic Wireless Transfer System Considering Coils’ Parameters Variations
Yuanfang Lu Southwest Jiaotong University
15 Dec 2021, 14:30-14:45
ATTENDEE Oral presentation

[247]A Coil Winding Method for Current Balance in Multi-Paralleled-Litz-Wire-Based Ultra-Thin IPT Pads
Yefei Xu Southwest Jiaotong University
15 Dec 2021, 14:45-15:00
ATTENDEE Oral presentation

[246]A Cost-Effective Wireless Power System for Battery CCCV Charging Based on Reconfigurable Topology
斌 杨 Southwest Jiaotong University
15 Dec 2021, 15:00-15:15
ATTENDEE Oral presentation

[245]A High Misalignment Tolerant Inductive Power Transfer System Using Clamp Topology with Double-Solenoid Quadrature Pad
Yuner Peng student Southwest Jiaotong University
15 Dec 2021, 15:15-15:30
ATTENDEE Oral presentation

[244]ICPT system analysis and maximum power tracking based on adaptive step P&O algorithm
Zijia Zhang master North China Electric Power University
17 Dec 2021, 14:50-14:55
ATTENDEE Poster Presentation

[243]Design of coil structure for anti-offset and highly efficient wireless power transfer
Xin Fang fuzhou university
15 Dec 2021, 15:30-15:45
ATTENDEE Oral presentation

[242]Variated-Phase-Shift based Mutual Inductance and Load Resistance Identification Method for Wireless Power Transfer System
Ruimin Dai Ph.D Southwest Jiaotong University
15 Dec 2021, 16:00-16:15
ATTENDEE Oral presentation

[241]Flashover Characteristics of Insulating Stick with Hydrophobic Coatings under Artificial Rain
蔡 豪 三峡大学
17 Dec 2021, 11:00-11:15
ATTENDEE Oral presentation

[240]Calculation of Dielectric Loss of Oil-Paper Insulation Under Transient Voltages
Lingfeng Jin Zhejiang Electric Power Research Institute
17 Dec 2021, 11:15-11:30
ATTENDEE Oral presentation

[239]Study on Dynamic Thermal Characteristic of the Converter Transformer Valve-side Bushing
lin xiang Southwest Jiaotong University
17 Dec 2021, 11:30-11:45
ATTENDEE Oral presentation