[Oral Presentation]Calculation of Dielectric Loss of Oil-Paper Insulation Under Transient Voltages

Calculation of Dielectric Loss of Oil-Paper Insulation Under Transient Voltages
ID:240 Submission ID:393 View Protection:ATTENDEE Updated Time:2021-12-03 10:51:20 Hits:673 Oral Presentation

Start Time:2021-12-17 11:15 (Asia/Shanghai)


Session:[D] High voltage and insulation technology » [D6] Session 34

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The increased dielectric loss is one of the comprehensive effects in insulating material from both the dielectric properties and the applied voltage, which causes the degradation of oil-paper (OIP) insulation especially when subjected to complex voltages. To quantitatively analyze the dielectric loss of OIP insulation, starting from the dielectric response characteristics of the bushing and the extended Debye model (EDM), the Runge-Kutta method is proposed to solve the EDM circuit. Taking four groups of measured waveforms of single type overvoltage and hybrid overvoltage as the typical instances of transient voltages, the active power loss of the OIP bushing is calculated and analyzed.
dielectric loss,Oil paper insulation,transient voltage
Lingfeng Jin
Zhejiang Electric Power Research Institute

Submission Author
Lingfeng Jin Zhejiang Electric Power Research Institute
Zhi Yang Zhejiang Electric Power Research Institute
Chen Li Zhejiang Electric Power Research Institute
Jiangyang Zhan Zhejiang Electric Power Research Institute
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