[Oral Presentation]A Coil Winding Method for Current Balance in Multi-Paralleled-Litz-Wire-Based Ultra-Thin IPT Pads

A Coil Winding Method for Current Balance in Multi-Paralleled-Litz-Wire-Based Ultra-Thin IPT Pads
ID:247 Submission ID:232 View Protection:ATTENDEE Updated Time:2021-12-10 10:56:23 Hits:677 Oral Presentation

Start Time:2021-12-15 14:45 (Asia/Shanghai)


Session:[E] Wireless power transfer technology » [E1] Session 5

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Inductive power transfer (IPT) technology can simplify the consumer electronic charging process, whereas the height and the volume of a consumer electronic are limited, and the thickness of the receiving pad is required to be thin. In this work, multi-paralleled Litz wires (MPLWs) are used to decrease the pad thickness. However, unbalance current problem in the MPLWs, leading to unbalance wire-losses and extra power loss on the receiving pad, cannot be ignored due to the differences among inductances, mutual inductances, and cross mutual inductances of the wires. Thus, a circuit model is established to analyze the unbalance currents. Then, a coil winding method is proposed to alleviate the unbalance currents. Finally, a 720 W prototype with an ultra-thin 2.5 mm receiving pad is built to validate the performance of the proposed approach. The results show that with the proposed method, both the phase differences and the amplitude differences among the currents flowing through the paralleled wires can be reduced, the standard deviation of the currents decreases from 1.46 A to 0.03 A, the currents become uniform, and the system efficiency is improved 1.1% from 93.1% to 94.2%.
Yefei Xu
Southwest Jiaotong University

Submission Author
Yefei Xu Southwest Jiaotong University
Yang Chen Southwest Jiaotong University
Ruikun Mai Southwest Jiaotong University
Zhengyou He Southwest Jiaotong University
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