[Oral Presentation]A Cost-Effective Wireless Power System for Battery CCCV Charging Based on Reconfigurable Topology

A Cost-Effective Wireless Power System for Battery CCCV Charging Based on Reconfigurable Topology
ID:246 Submission ID:233 View Protection:ATTENDEE Updated Time:2021-12-03 10:52:26 Hits:640 Oral Presentation

Start Time:2021-12-15 15:00 (Asia/Shanghai)


Session:[E] Wireless power transfer technology » [E1] Session 5

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Wireless power transfer (WPT) systems is widely applied for the battery charging. Considering the safety and effectiveness, WPT system with the constant current (CC) and constant voltage (CV) output is required to provide power for battery. A cost-effective reconfigurable topology is proposed to obtain CC output and CV output by adjusting the status of the inverter and auxiliary switches in circuit is proposed. With the reform of the proposed method, fewer passive components can be employed to achieve the CC/CV charging of the battery in charging process. The proposed method has been verified with an experimental prototype and results show that the fluctuation of the charging current is less than 2% in CC mode, and that of charging voltage in CV mode is within 5% during the whole charging process.
WPT system,constant current,constant voltage,reconfigurable topology
斌 杨
Southwest Jiaotong University

Submission Author
斌 杨 Southwest Jiaotong University
Tianqi Lv School of Electrical Engineering; Southwest Jiaotong University
Yiyang Li Southwest Jiaotong University;School of the Electrical Engineering
Ruikun Mai Southwest Jiaotong University
Yang Chen Southwest Jiaotong University
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