1. Preparing your Poster presentation
Presentation for poster sessions requires a one-page-posters and a maximum five-minute Poster video (make a 5-minute explanation video for your poster, which can be explained directly according to the poster).
Create your one-page posters in PDF format.
Download Poster template and instruction here: CIYCEE_Poster_Template.pptx
The poster video should start with a short introduction about the presenter's name, organization, and research areas.
2. Create your presentation video:
Record your presentation in MP4 video format.
Use a good microphone in a room without an echo to record a clear voice.
The main window should be used for the poster video. The personal face should appear in a sub-window. Personal appearance is not obligatory, such as wearing.
The video quality should be good enough for screen showing. A resolution of 720P or higher is recommended.
The size of the video file should be kept under 70MB. Otherwise, the streaming speed for viewers will be slow.
An excellent tool to create a poster video is directly using the office PowerPoint. The video can be made by other programs as well but must be uploaded in MP4 format.
3. Upload your Poster and Video
The author can log in to his account on the official website to upload his video and other materials. Deadline for uploading paper presentations: Dec. 10, 2021.
The name of the zip for uploading MUST be the Paper ID, "xxx.rar." The video and other materials in the package should also be named as paper ID, "xxx.mp4", "xxx.pdf," etc.
It is possible to upload the improved version with the same name. The old version will be replaced.
The uploaded materials are protected and can be viewed only by the registered participants. The registered participants are required to comply with the confidential regulations about using the materials. Any misuse of the materials by any individual participant will breach copyright law, and the consequence will be out of the responsibility of the conference organizer.
4. Other Information
If you cannot manage to record the presentation yourself and even with the help of your colleagues, please send an email to the conference secretariat. We will help you to record the presentation.
Note: Accepted paper without video presentation will be considered as absent in the virtual conference, and the paper will be removed from the conference proceedings without refund.
Register here: http://ciycee2021.aconf.org/signup.html
click to get the list of poster presentations: poster presentation list