[Oral Presentation]Parameter Design Method for SS Compensated Dynamic Wireless Transfer System Considering Coils’ Parameters Variations

Parameter Design Method for SS Compensated Dynamic Wireless Transfer System Considering Coils’ Parameters Variations
ID:248 Submission ID:224 View Protection:ATTENDEE Updated Time:2021-12-03 10:52:45 Hits:642 Oral Presentation

Start Time:2021-12-15 14:30 (Asia/Shanghai)


Session:[E] Wireless power transfer technology » [E1] Session 5

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For automatic guided vehicles with dynamic wireless power transfer (DWPT), the vertical variation in the height of the pickup coil is inescapable due to load variations. It can cause changes in the system coil parameters (self-inductances and mutual inductance), further affecting the stability of the system output power. To realize a stable output of the DWPT system when the height of the pickup coil is variable, a parameter design method is proposed in this paper. A mathematical model of output power is established considering the vibrations of coil parameters. The influences of the compensation circuit on the output power and the input impedance are analyzed. The fluctuation of the output power is limited with the circuit parameter optimization. Finally, a 1-kW prototype is built to verify the effectiveness of the proposed approach. Experimental results indicate that within the gap range (20mm~40mm), the maximum fluctuation of the designed system output power is only 4.39% even if the self-inductances vary by 12.33uH and 27.9uH, respectively, and the mutual inductance changes by 1.45 times. Furthermore, the lowest efficiency of the system can reach 91.73%
dynamic wireless power transfer (DWPT),variable coils parameters,parameter design,stable output power
Yuanfang Lu
Southwest Jiaotong University

Submission Author
Yuanfang Lu Southwest Jiaotong University
Tianqi Lv Southwest Jiaotong University
Bin Yang Southwest Jiaotong University
Yang Chen Southwest Jiaotong University
Ruikun Mai Southwest Jiaotong University
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