[Oral Presentation]Optimal Layout Model of Distribution Automation Terminals Based on Improved Quantum Genetic Algorithm

Optimal Layout Model of Distribution Automation Terminals Based on Improved Quantum Genetic Algorithm
ID:95 Submission ID:309 View Protection:ATTENDEE Updated Time:2021-12-03 10:37:20 Hits:539 Oral Presentation

Start Time:2021-12-17 09:30 (Asia/Shanghai)


Session:[C] Power system and automation » [C5] Session 27

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The reasonable planning of the distribution automation terminal is an important means to improve the reliability of the power supply of the system, and belongs to the problem of distribution network planning. At present, the planning of distribution automation terminals mostly relies on the subjective experience of technicians and lacks objective theoretical support. Therefore, it is of great significance to carry out research on the optimal layout of distribution automation terminals. With the goal of improving the reliability of system power supply, this paper proposes an optimized layout model of power distribution terminals based on an improved quantum genetic algorithm. The objective function of the model is the comprehensive cost of the system including equipment investment costs and power outage costs within the service life of the equipment, and considers the constraints of power supply reliability and power flow constraints. The simulation algorithm verification shows that the model has achieved a good optimization effect.
Distribution Automation, Distribution Network Planning, Distribution Automation Terminal, Power Supply Reliability, Improved Quantum Genetic Algorithm.
Bowen Liu
North China Electric Power University

Submission Author
Weichen Liang North China Electric Power Research Institute Co., Ltd
Zhiyu Zhao North China Electric Power Research Institute Co., Ltd
Yajuan Wang North China Electric Power Research Institute Co., Ltd
Xuan Li North China Electric Power Research Institute Co., Ltd
Bowen Liu North China Electric Power University
Xu Zhang North China Electric Power University
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