A Non-isolated High Step-up DC-DC Converter Based on Coupled Inductor and Switched Capacitor
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Updated Time:2021-12-03 10:37:16 Hits:569
Poster Presentation

Start Time:2021-12-17 15:35 (Asia/Shanghai)
Session:[Z] Poster Session » [Z8] Poster Session 8: Power electronic technology and application
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This paper proposes a high step-up dc-dc converter for the renewable energy system. The coupled inductor and switched capacitor techniques are used to boost the high voltage gain. Due to the leakage inductance energy recycled, the efficiency is improved and the voltage stress of the power switch is clamped. Moreover, a comparison with other revealed converter is analyzed and the proposed converter has higher conversion ratio. The proposed converter can be further derived for higher voltage gain. Finally, a simulation experiment with input voltage of 24 V, output voltage of 312 V, and wattage rating of 312 W is implemented to validate the correctness and effectiveness.
High step-up, coupled inductor, switched capacitor.

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