[Poster Presentation]Mid/long-term Power System Operation Model Considering Inter-regional Power Trade

Mid/long-term Power System Operation Model Considering Inter-regional Power Trade
ID:84 Submission ID:239 View Protection:ATTENDEE Updated Time:2021-12-03 10:36:25 Hits:548 Poster Presentation

Start Time:2021-12-17 15:45 (Asia/Shanghai)


Session:[Z] Poster Session » [Z7] Poster Session 7: Renewable energy system

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Inter-regional power trade, regarded as an important means to cope with the intermittency and uncertainty of renewable energy, facilitates the optimal allocation of interconnected grid resources and the consumption of renewable energy. In this paper, a mid/long-term power system operation model considering inter-regional power trade is proposed. The model takes maintenance constraints, unit operation constraints, inter-regional power trade constraints and system operation constraints into account, so as to realize mid/long-term multi-energy generation cooperation and improve the consumption level of renewable energy. In addition, Gurobi is used to slove the computation program efficiently. The case studies based on the modified IEEE-RTS1979 verify the validity and feasibility of the proposed model. The results show that inter-regional power trade can make full use of inter-regional power resources and load complementarity to promote the consumption of renewable energy.
Inter-regional power trade, load block curve, mid/long-term operation, coordinated optimization
Zhiren Zhang
Xi'an Jiaotong University

Submission Author
Xiaowei Ma Northwest Branch of State Grid Corporation of China
Zhiren Zhang Xi'an Jiaotong University
Hewen Bai Xi'an Jiaotong University
Xiaoning Kang Xi'an Jiaotong University
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