Research on Reactive Power Control of Active Distribution Network Based on ADMM for Grid-connected Distributed Generation
Submission ID:336 View Protection:ATTENDEE
Updated Time:2021-12-03 10:35:39 Hits:509
Oral Presentation

Start Time:2021-12-17 10:45 (Asia/Shanghai)
Session:[C] Power system and automation » [C6] Session 33
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With the large-scale integration of distributed generation with high penetration rate into the distribution network, the inherent uncertainty of new energy will affect the operation of the distribution network. Therefore, active distribution network reactive power control suitable for large-scale grid connection of new energy is carried out research can better improve the operation level of the distribution network. Based on the alternating direction multiplier method, this paper takes the minimum objective function value that integrates the total voltage deviation of the node, the network loss and the new energy curtailment power as the optimization objective, and uses the power flow constraint and the safe operation constraint as the constraint conditions to construct a distributed system. The reactive power optimization model is transformed into a convex optimization model by using the second-order cone relaxation technology. The simulation calculation is carried out in the modified IEEE 33-node example system to verify the effectiveness of the proposed new reactive power control model.
Distributed Generation; New Energy Grid-connected; Active Distribution Network; Alternating Direction Multiplier Method; Reactive Power Optimization

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