[Poster Presentation]Research on photovoltaic inverter based on improved Z-source network

Research on photovoltaic inverter based on improved Z-source network
ID:72 Submission ID:180 View Protection:ATTENDEE Updated Time:2021-12-06 09:41:43 Hits:553 Poster Presentation

Start Time:2021-12-17 15:10 (Asia/Shanghai)


Session:[Z] Poster Session » [Z2] Poster Session 2: Power electronic technology and application

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In order to solve the problems of the traditional Z-source inverter's weak boosting ability and large inductor ripple current, an improved Z-source inverter topology is proposed. The improved Z-source network is composed of a combination of a high-gain boost unit and a symmetrical quasi-Z-source inverter. Compared with a switched inductor quasi-Z source inverter, it has a higher boost capacity and lower capacitor voltage stress under the same duty cycle. Based on the simple boost modulation strategy, the grid-connected design of the improved Z-source inverter is carried out. The modeling and simulation were completed in Matlab/Simulink, and the correctness of the improved Z source topology in the grid-connected system was verified. The improved Z-source inverter can be better adapted to the development needs of high-gain converter low-voltage input occasions.
ZhenFang Wang
Master Degree Candid Hebei University of science and technology;26 Yu Xiang Street

Submission Author
Yingjun Guo Hebei University of science and technology
ZhenFang Wang Hebei University of science and technology;26 Yu Xiang Street
Lulu Zheng Hebei University of science and technology
Qingqing Zhang China Suntien Green Energy Corporation Limited
Yifan Chen College of Electrical Engineering, Hebei University of Science and Technology
Jiawei Xu China Suntien Green Energy Corporation Limited,
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