[Oral Presentation]Day-ahead Optimal Scheduling Model of Transmission-Distribution Integrated Electricity-Gas Systems Based on Convex Optimization

Day-ahead Optimal Scheduling Model of Transmission-Distribution Integrated Electricity-Gas Systems Based on Convex Optimization
ID:71 Submission ID:201 View Protection:ATTENDEE Updated Time:2021-12-03 10:34:58 Hits:591 Oral Presentation

Start Time:2021-12-16 11:15 (Asia/Shanghai)


Session:[A] Renewable energy system » [A4] Session 19

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With the deepening of the coupling degree between power network and natural gas network, the traditional independently optimal scheduling of transmission and distribution integrated electricity-gas systems cannot make full use of the flexible control ability of various resources and the complementary support capabilities between different systems. Therefore, this paper puts forward a cooperative optimization scheduling model of transmission-distribution integrated electricity-gas systems.  The second order cone relaxation (SOCR) methods are utilized to transform the mixed-integer non-linear programming model into mixed integer second order cone programming model (MISOCP). Compared with independent operation model of the transmission and distribution systems, the proposed model can improve the overall operation economy and renewable energy consumption level of the system through cooperative optimization among transmission and distribution systems. Case study results verify the rationality and efficiency of the proposed model.
transmission-distribution integrated electricity-gas systems, day-ahead scheduling, renewable energy, convex relaxation, second order cone relaxation.
Gang Wu
State Grid Sichuan Economic Research Institute

Submission Author
Gang Wu State Grid Sichuan Economic Research Institute
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