A Pulse Frequency Modulation for Interleaved Boost-Integrated LC Series Resonant Converter
Submission ID:165 View Protection:ATTENDEE
Updated Time:2021-12-09 21:46:51
Oral Presentation

Start Time:2021-12-16 10:00 (Asia/Shanghai)
Session:[B] Power electronic technology and application » [B3] Session 14
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This paper proposes an interleaved boost-integrated LC series resonant converter, which consists of the boost-integrated unit and the LC series resonant unit. By using a novel pulse frequency modulation, the output voltage is a constant value under different input voltages, and another feature is that the high frequency transformer design is switching frequency independent. In a wide switching frequency range, the zero voltage switching of all switches can be guarateed. The working characteristics of the proposed modulation are also presented in detail. Finally, under the guidance of theory, a 500Wprototype with the switching frequency range of 60-200kHz is built, and the experimental results intuitively prove the feasibility of the scheme.This paper proposes an interleaved boost-integrated LC series resonant converter, which consists of the boost-integrated unit and the LC series resonant unit. By using a novel pulse frequency modulation, the output voltage is a constant value under different input voltages, and another feature is that the high frequency transformer design is switching frequency independent. In a wide switching frequency range, the zero voltage switching of all switches can be guarateed. The working characteristics of the proposed modulation are also presented in detail. Finally, under the guidance of theory, a 500Wprototype with the switching frequency range of 60-200kHz is built, and the experimental results intuitively prove the feasibility of the scheme.
Pulse frequency modulation, LC resonant converter, wide switching frequency range

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