[Oral Presentation]Stability Assessment of PMSG Wind Farm SSO Based on Negative Gradient of Dynamic Energy

Stability Assessment of PMSG Wind Farm SSO Based on Negative Gradient of Dynamic Energy
ID:47 Submission ID:132 View Protection:ATTENDEE Updated Time:2021-12-03 10:32:21 Hits:564 Oral Presentation

Start Time:2021-12-16 09:15 (Asia/Shanghai)


Session:[A] Renewable energy system » [A3] Session 13

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Concerning sub/super synchronous oscillation(SSO) caused by the integration of PMSGs to weak power grid, a method to assess system stability level quantitatively based on the negative gradient of dynamic energy is proposed. First, the function of dynamic energy of PMSG is built. And then, by calculating the negative gradient of dynamic energy of PMSG, which can quantitatively characterize the accumulation or consumption of dynamic energy during oscillation, the stability criteria of SSO can be established. On this basis, the detailed expressions of the negative gradient that contain PLL parameters, equivalent transmission line and stable operating point are derived, and the pattern where system parameters affect the stability of SSO is revealed. Finally, a model of PMSG wind farm is built in RT-LAB for hardware-in-the-loop tests. Simulation results verify that, in different system parameter variation cases, the proposed method can accurately assess system stability quantitatively.
PMSG wind power system; sub/super synchronous oscillation; negative gradient of energy; stability assessment
Yaqi Shen
North China Electric Power University

Submission Author
Yaqi Shen North China Electric Power University
Jing Ma North China Electric Power University
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