[Poster Presentation]Commutation Failure Analysis Considering the Frequency Response of Transmission Line

Commutation Failure Analysis Considering the Frequency Response of Transmission Line
ID:46 Submission ID:111 View Protection:ATTENDEE Updated Time:2021-12-03 10:32:17 Hits:594 Poster Presentation

Start Time:2021-12-17 14:50 (Asia/Shanghai)


Session:[Z] Poster Session » [Z2] Poster Session 2: Power electronic technology and application

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This paper studied the impact of the transmission line frequency response on commutation failure (CF) and pointed out that the different frequency response of transmission line leads to different CF mitigation capability. Based on the commutating voltage time area theory, the double-tuned damped filter of 2nd and 3rd characteristic harmonics is added to the system to increase the CF mitigation capability. Simulation results based on the PSCAD/EMTDC show that the CF mitigation capability with different transmission line frequency response and the improvement of CF mitigation capability with the double-tuned damped filter.
commutation failure,line-commutated-converted-based high-voltage direct-current,frequency response of transmission line
Renlong Zhu
Hunan University

Submission Author
Renlong Zhu Hunan University
Xiaoping Zhou Hunan University
Hanhang Yin Hunan University
yifeng liu College of Electrical and Information Engineering; Hunan University
Lingfeng Deng Hunan University
Lerong Hong Hunan University
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