[Oral Presentation]Impedance modeling techniques for stability analysis of inverter-interfaced renewable energies

Impedance modeling techniques for stability analysis of inverter-interfaced renewable energies
ID:358 View Protection:PUBLIC Updated Time:2021-12-10 09:39:29 Hits:1036 Oral Presentation

Start Time:2021-12-16 16:30 (Asia/Shanghai)


Session:[T] Special Session » [T2] Special Session_2

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The traditional power system is undergoing the paradigm shift towards a more power-electrolyzed system, where substantial inverters have been deployed and utilized as the grid interfaces for renewable energies. However, in such high inverter-penetrated systems, small-signal instability issues typically occurring in the form of oscillations are frequently reported. The impedance-based method is among the most popularly applied approach for such analyses. This presentation will introduce the LTI and LTP framework-based impedance modeling techniques for grid-tied inverters. In which, the impedance transformation techniques that are useful for stability analysis will be introduced, e.g., DQ-domain to sequence-domain and MIMO to SISO transformations. A practical method for automating the parametric stability analysis in the LTP framework will be introduced. Technical issues related to the stability analysis of an impedance network will be mentioned and discussed.
琛 张
Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Dr. Chen Zhang received his Ph.D. from Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU), Shanghai, China in March 2018. He was Postdoc with the Norwegian University of Science and Technology and the Technical University of Denmark respectively in 2018 and 2020. Currently, he is a Tenure-track Associate Professor at the Department of Electrical Engineering, SJTU. His main research interest relates to the time/frequency domain modeling and analysis of grid-tied converters, where the primary focus is to reveal new dynamics and mechanisms associated with the high penetration of power converters. He serves as Associate Editor for IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion and Reviewers for IEEE PES and PELS journals.

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