[Oral Presentation]Power systems with high penetration of renewables and power electronics: Emerging stability issues and potential solutions

Power systems with high penetration of renewables and power electronics: Emerging stability issues and potential solutions
ID:332 View Protection:PUBLIC Updated Time:2021-12-08 09:30:31 Hits:1015 Oral Presentation

Start Time:2021-12-15 10:40 (Asia/Shanghai)


Session:[P] Plenary Session » [P1] Open ceremony & invited speech@Plenary Session

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The decades-old traditional power system is undergoing a fast transition with the most prominent feature, i.e., high penetration of renewables and power electronics. The dual high-penetration aspect of a modern power system not only significantly influences the classical system stability issues but also introduces new types of instabilities. This talk first reviews the impacts of the high penetration of renewables and power electronics on power system stability. Then, it focuses on the emerging electromagnetic wideband oscillations. Actual oscillation events reported around the world are summarized. The challenges to the analysis and control of wideband oscillations are discussed. Some research results from the presenter’s group including, e.g, impedance network modeling and analysis, generator- and grid-side damping control, will also be introduced.
小荣 谢
Tsinghua University

Dr. Xiaorong Xie received his Ph.D. from Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, in 2001. Currently, he is a professor at the Department of Electrical Engineering and director of Flexible Transmission & Distribution Systems Research Institute at Tsinghua. His main research interests include dynamics analysis and control of power systems, especially those with high penetration of renewable energy sources and power electronics. His research is supported by China National Science Funds for Distinguished Young Scientists and National Key R&D Programs. He is Editor for the IEEE Trans. on Power Delivery, Ass. Editor for the IET RPG and the International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems.

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