Mechanism and Suppression Control of Wideband Oscillations in MMC-HVDC with Offshore Wind Farms

Start Time:2021-12-16 13:30 (Asia/Shanghai)
Session:[T] Special Session » [T1] Special Session_1
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敬 吕
助理教授 上海交通大学Dr. Jing Lyu received his Ph.D. degree from Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China, in 2016. He is currently a Tenure-Track Associate Professor with the Department of Electrical Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University. He is an executive director of the Offshore Wind Integration and Consumption Sub-committee of IEEE PES Wind/PV Technical Committee (China), member of the Artificial Intelligence and Electrical Applications Specialized Committee of China Electrotechnical Society (CES). He is a Senior Member of IEEE and CES. His main research interests include wind power generation, dynamic stability of MMC-based HVDC connected wind farms/PV plants, applications of AI in power electronic systems, etc. As project leader, Dr. Lyu has been in charge of several research projects from the government and industry. He serves as a TPC member of several IEEE/IET conferences. He has published more than 80 technical papers and holds more than twenty Chinese granted and pending patents.
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