[Oral Presentation]Highly Integrated Centralized Equalizer Based on Zeta-Sepic Converter for Series-Connected Battery Strings

Highly Integrated Centralized Equalizer Based on Zeta-Sepic Converter for Series-Connected Battery Strings
ID:31 Submission ID:43 View Protection:ATTENDEE Updated Time:2021-12-03 10:30:46 Hits:671 Oral Presentation

Start Time:2021-12-15 16:15 (Asia/Shanghai)


Session:[B] Power electronic technology and application » [B2] Session 8

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In this manuscript, a centralized battery equalizer with high integration is presented and analyzed. The proposed equalizer applies the power switch integration technology to the traditional centralized equalization system, and integrates the bidirectional switch used for battery selection in the switch array and the power switch used for energy conversion in the bidirectional zeta-sepic converter, thereby the power density of the equalization system can be effectively enhanced. Besides, the presented balancing scheme obtains the characteristics of controllable equalization current, small number of components, and high conversion efficiency, which has broad application prospect and practical value. The theoretical derivations and design considerations are comprehensively addressed. Finally, an experimental platform is constructed, and the comparison and test results fully validate the availability and feasibility of the presented zeta-sepic converter based centralized equalizer.
Centralized battery equalizer,power switch integration,lithium-ion batteries,zeta-sepic converter
Xianbin Qi
Harbin Institute of Technology (shenzhen)

Submission Author
Xianbin Qi Harbin Institute of Technology (shenzhen)
Yi Wang Harbin Institute of Technology (shenzhen)
Mingzhu Fang Harbin Institute of Technology (shenzhen)
Yanbo Wang Aalborg University
Zhe Chen Aalborg University
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