Modified DFIG Convertor Control Strategy for High Voltage Ride Through
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Updated Time:2021-12-03 10:58:18 Hits:662
Poster Presentation

Start Time:2021-12-17 16:05 (Asia/Shanghai)
Session:[Z] Poster Session » [Z11] Poster Session 11: Eletric Machine Design and Control
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Currently, wind power penetration is increased, and chain failures caused by DC blocking expose wind turbines to greater risk of high voltage ride-through (HVRT). In this paper, a modified HVRT strategy for rotor-side and grid-side converter of doubly-fed induction generator (DFIGs) is proposed. A reactive power control strategy based on voltage bias is proposed for the grid-side converter (GSC) to maintain the DC-link voltage. To support the recovery of grid voltage, a modified control strategy for DFIG’s rotor side converter is proposed. A model of the grid-connected wind farm is built in MATLAB/Simulink to test the feasibility of the proposed method. Without adding additional hardware, the proposed strategy can ensure that the DC-link voltage does not exceed the limit during HVRT process of the wind turbine, and DFIG can absorb a certain amount of inductive reactive power to support the grid voltage recovery, which improves the high voltage ride-through capability of DFIG under various operating conditions.
wind turbine; high voltage ride-through; control strategy; reactive power support

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