[Oral Presentation]Design and Optimization of an Electromagnetic Vibration Energy Harvester Based on Magnetic Suction

Design and Optimization of an Electromagnetic Vibration Energy Harvester Based on Magnetic Suction
ID:29 Submission ID:90 View Protection:ATTENDEE Updated Time:2021-12-16 21:50:16 Hits:607 Oral Presentation

Start Time:2021-12-15 16:15 (Asia/Shanghai)


Session:[A] Renewable energy system » [A2] Session 7

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       In this paper, a novel electromagnetic vibration energy harvester (EVEH), that utilizes the magnetic suction of the opposite pole to provide the restoring force required for vibration, is presented. It consists of the induction coils, cylindrical and cuboid permanent magnets, of which the two magnets make up a special array that can enhance the magnetic field strength within the induction coils. The purpose of this article is to verify the effectiveness of this novel structure. The influence of structure parameters of the novel EVEH on output performance are analyzed by 3-D numerical model. And make a prototype of EVEH and conduct experimental tests. In the laboratory, experimental tests have shown that the maximum output power density is up to 1.288 mW/cm3 at 13.1 Hz. This vibration energy harvester can output effective power. Compared with other structures, the system has a higher resonance frequency but higher output power density.
Electromagnetic vibration energy harvester (EVEH), magnetic suction, the magnetic field strength, output power density.
Tang Ping
student Xihua University

Submission Author
haichuan Chen School of Electrical and Electronic Information; Xihua University
Ping Tang School of Electrical and Electronic Information, Xihua University
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