[Oral Presentation]A Satisfactory Vector Selection Model Predictive Control to Reduce Switching Frequency

A Satisfactory Vector Selection Model Predictive Control to Reduce Switching Frequency
ID:281 Submission ID:251 View Protection:ATTENDEE Updated Time:2021-12-03 10:56:49 Hits:599 Oral Presentation

Start Time:2021-12-17 10:00 (Asia/Shanghai)


Session:[G] Electric Machine Design and Control » [G3] Session 29

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The traditional model predictive direct current control selects the best switching state based on the principle of the smallest cost function, without considering the restriction on the switching frequency. This paper proposes a model predictive control method with satisfactory vector selection to reduce the switching frequency. This method selects several alternative voltage vectors in each sampling period based on the principle of minimum current error, and the historical switching state is considered meanwhile. Further, a satisfactory voltage vector is selected among these voltage vectors by constraints of reducing switching times. The simulation results indicate that the proposed method effectively reduces the switching frequency and maintains the system performance.
model predictive control,reducing switching frequency,satisfactory vector selection
Qingxuan Wang
Shanghai University

Submission Author
Qingxuan Wang Shanghai University
云鹏 张 Shanghai University
Wenxiang Song Shanghai University
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