[Oral Presentation]An Effective Method-Based CIG Hybrid Algorithm for Short-Term Load Forecasting

An Effective Method-Based CIG Hybrid Algorithm for Short-Term Load Forecasting
ID:280 Submission ID:209 View Protection:ATTENDEE Updated Time:2021-12-03 10:56:35 Hits:607 Oral Presentation

Start Time:2021-12-15 16:00 (Asia/Shanghai)


Session:[F] AI-driven technology » [F2] Session 12

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The accuracy level of Short-Term Load Forecasting (STLF) affects the power department's arrangements for unit start-up, shutdown, overhaul, and load dispatching. However, the existing algorithms do not fully consider load volatility and difficulty in setting the algorithm parameters. In this regard, this paper designs a CEEMDAN-IGWO-GRU (CIG) hybrid algorithm for STLF based on Complete Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition with Adaptive Noise (CEEMDAN) algorithm for load stabilization, the powerful nonlinear fitting ability of Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU), and the parameter optimization ability of Improved Gray Wolf Optimizer (IGWO). Firstly, the details and trend information of the load signal are separated by the CEEMDAN algorithm. Then, the GRU network optimized by IGWO parameters is used to predict each component, separately. Finally, the complete load forecasting results are obtained by reconstructing the forecasting result of each component. To verify the validity of the CIG hybrid algorithm, experiments are performed based on power load data of a certain area under study, and the experimental results are compared with other existing algorithms. The experimental results show that the CIG hybrid algorithm performs well for STLF, and the accuracy indexes of the statistical standards are improved.
Power System Analysis,Short-Term Load Forecasting,Gray Wolf Optimizer,CEEMDAN-IGWO-GRU Hybrid Algorithm,Prediction
Zixing Chen
Fuzhou University

Submission Author
Zixing Chen Fuzhou University
Tao Jin Fuzhou University
Xidong Zheng Fuzhou University
Zhiyuan Zhuang Fuzhou University
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