Cloud-edge based distributed optimization operation model of park integrated energy
Submission ID:83 View Protection:ATTENDEE
Updated Time:2021-12-07 15:59:46
Oral Presentation

Start Time:2021-12-15 16:00 (Asia/Shanghai)
Session:[A] Renewable energy system » [A2] Session 7
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The park integrated energy system is a promising method to achieve local consumption of renewable energy and stepwise utilization of energy through multi-energy complementarity. This paper proposed a cloud-edge based distributed optimization operation model of park integrated energy system. A cloud-edge communication and operation architecture was firstly build to providing a mode that is more suitable for power Internet of Things and multi-agent distributed operation. A two-level coordinated optimal operation model of park integrated energy system was then proposed. Specifically, integrated energy retailer optimizes electricity and heat price in upper level, and the combined cooling, heating and power (CCHP) operator optimizes the output in the lower level. Next, the load aggregator realizes the demand response. Finally, a case study verifies the effectiveness of the proposed method.
park integrated energy system,IoT,integrated energy system,distributed optimization,optimization

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