[Poster Presentation]Design of Multi-Axis Servo Controller Based on MPSoC Architecture.

Design of Multi-Axis Servo Controller Based on MPSoC Architecture.
ID:275 Submission ID:207 View Protection:ATTENDEE Updated Time:2021-12-07 15:28:29 Hits:620 Poster Presentation

Start Time:2021-12-17 15:55 (Asia/Shanghai)


Session:[Z] Poster Session » [Z11] Poster Session 11: Eletric Machine Design and Control

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  This paper proposes a structure of multi-axis  controller based on multiprocessor systems-on-chip (MPSoC), and to achieve such design,we start with a single-axis servo motor, which utilizes the software and hardware co-design technology to realize its position, speed and current loop control. For the position and speed loop control, software programs are developed to tackle its high-flexibility characteristics, while for current loop control, hardware modules are implemented, as its current vector control algorithm is relatively simple and easy to achieve. Secondly, multi-axis servo module controller on chip is designed and constructed by using MPSoC architecture: the master controller, multi-axis single-servo drive control module, and network communication module ect., are integrated into a  single-chip field programmable gate array (FPGA). Finally, to verify the performance of the proposed design, a two-axis motor system is built and a series of experiment are conducted. The experimental results show that this design is able to control each axis independently and synchronously, and is able to reduce the consumption of logic resources.
servo motor,multi-axis servo control,Vector control,multi-processor system on chip(MPSoC),software and hardware co-design
Wenxuan Zhang
Southwest Jiaotong University

Submission Author
Wenxuan Zhang Southwest Jiaotong University
Bangji Wang Southwest Jiaotong University
Dong Wang Southwest Jiaotong University
Qingxiang Liu Southwest Jiaotong University
Song Qiu Southwest Jiaotong University
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