[Poster Presentation]Parameter Identification of the Composite JA Hysteresis Model Based on Whale Optimization Algorithm

Parameter Identification of the Composite JA Hysteresis Model Based on Whale Optimization Algorithm
ID:270 Submission ID:134 View Protection:ATTENDEE Updated Time:2021-12-05 15:43:14 Hits:589 Poster Presentation

Start Time:2021-12-17 15:45 (Asia/Shanghai)


Session:[Z] Poster Session » [Z11] Poster Session 11: Eletric Machine Design and Control

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The Jlies-Atherton (JA) hysteresis model has the advantages of few model parameters and clear physical meanings, which is widely used in the hysteresis simulations. However, the classic JA models consider little about the complicated losses during the excitation and demagnetization process. In addition, it is hard for existing parameter identification algorithms to meet the needs of the model establishment. This paper proposed a composite JA hysteresis simulation model considering the excitation loss, eddy current loss, and additional loss. The whale optimization algorithm (WOA) is used in the parameter identification of the model to increase accuracy and reliability. The hysteresis measurement module was used to measure the hysteresis loops, which were used to be the learning materials for the optimization algorithm. The simulation and test results were in good agreement and had a similarity of 97.36%, which proved the effectiveness of this method.
Composite JA model; whale optimization algorithm; parameter identification.
Zeliang Shen
Chongqing Electric Power Research Institute

Submission Author
Qian Wang Chongqing Electric Power Research Institute
Siquan Li Chongqing Electric Power Research Institute
Yingkai Long Chongqing Electric Power Research Institute
Xiping Jiang Chongqing Electric Power Research Institute
Xiaoxiao Luo Chongqing Electric Power Research Institute
Yongfu Li Chongqing Electric Power Research Institute
Jia Liu Chongqing Electric Power Research Institute
zeliang shen Chongqing university
XiaoXu Hu Master of Chongqing University
Jingang Wang Chongqing university
Tian Tian Chongqing Electric Power Design Institute Co.Ltd
Yuan Zhou Chongqing Electric Power Design Institute Co.Ltd
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