Iron loss analysis of permanent magnet segmentation in FSCW permanent magnet synchronous machine
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Updated Time:2021-12-16 21:47:03
Oral Presentation

Start Time:2021-12-16 09:30 (Asia/Shanghai)
Session:[G] Electric Machine Design and Control » [G1] Session 17
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Investigation of iron loss in fractional slot concentrated winding (FSPM) machine due to permanent magnet segmentation (PMS) are presented in this paper. First, the analytical calculation and four models for predicting the iron loss are provided and named as reduction segmentation type (RST), equal-quantity segmentation distributed type (EQSDT), equal-quantity segmentation concentrated type (EQSCT) and non-segmentation type (NST) respectively based on its influence factors for PM content, segmentation and its placement. Then, the detailed comparisons of the analysis, including back emf, harmonic content, iron loss and eddy current loss on the permanent magnet are given and delivers that PMS can reduce the eddy current loss, but the structure has different effects on the iron loss due to the different ways of placement, compared with others, the EQSDT can effectively reduce iron loss by reducing harmonic content and stator yoke magnetic flux density. The numerical calculation and FEA lead to consistent conclusions and this type of analysis is also suitable for other permanent magnet machines.
FSCW permanent magnet synchronous machine; FEA; harmonic; Iron loss; Numeral calculations.

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