Optimal operation strategy of integrated energy system considering compressed air energy storage
Submission ID:79 View Protection:ATTENDEE
Updated Time:2021-12-03 10:30:15 Hits:605
Poster Presentation

Start Time:2021-12-17 14:50 (Asia/Shanghai)
Session:[Z] Poster Session » [Z1] Poster Session 1: Renewable energy system
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Compressed air energy storage has the advantages of joint storage and supply of multiple energy types. In addition, it also has the advantages of low cost and long life. This paper studies the operating characteristics and mathematical models of compressed air energy storage, and establishes a mathematical model of an integrated energy system containing electricity, heat and gas. On this basis, with the goal of optimizing the total cost, a scheduling model including compressed air energy storage to participate in the operation of the electric-heat-gas integrated energy system is constructed, and operation constraints such as power balance and ramp constraints are considered. Finally, a numerical example is analyzed to verify the effectiveness of the model.
integrated energy system,,operation optimization,,demand response,,compressed air energy storage

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