[Poster Presentation]Research on differentiated input of operation and maintenance cost based on different power grid equipment states

Research on differentiated input of operation and maintenance cost based on different power grid equipment states
ID:220 Submission ID:220 View Protection:ATTENDEE Updated Time:2021-12-03 10:49:01 Hits:581 Poster Presentation

Start Time:2021-12-17 15:40 (Asia/Shanghai)


Session:[Z] Poster Session » [Z12] Poster Session 12: Other topics in Eletrical Engineering

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As an important basic energy industry, the power industry provides basic operating power for other industries of the national economy, which is closely related to the development of the national economy. With the sustained and healthy growth of China's economy, the domestic power demand is also increasing steadily. This paper studies the differentiated input of operation and maintenance cost based on different equipment states establishes the equipment risk assessment model obtains the quantitative risk index by using the state assessment and fault probability statistics methods and makes decision-making and optimization of the maintenance plan to minimize the comprehensive cost in combination with the equipment maintenance cost model and fault risk cost model, Reduce the maintenance cost of the equipment and the failure risk that may be caused by unreasonable maintenance as much as possible, scientifically arrange the maintenance time and items, obtain the economic and technological comprehensive optimal condition-based maintenance scheme, and ensure the safe and reliable operation of the equipment.
equipment states, equipment risk assessment, maintenance cost
Xing Wang
North china electric power university

Submission Author
Yaqiong Liu State Grid Economic And Techinological Research Institute
Tong Li State Grid Economic And Techinological Research Institute
Xing Wang North china electric power university
Yingxin Liu North China Electric Power University
Xiaohui Wang State Grid Economic And Techinological Research Institute
Meibao Wang State Grid Economic And Techinological Research Institute
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