[Oral Presentation]Electromagnetic Interference from 5G Base station Antenna in Substation on Secondary Equipement

Electromagnetic Interference from 5G Base station Antenna in Substation on Secondary Equipement
ID:176 Submission ID:28 View Protection:ATTENDEE Updated Time:2021-12-03 10:48:18 Hits:534 Oral Presentation

Start Time:2021-12-16 09:45 (Asia/Shanghai)


Session:[H] Other topics in Electrical Engineering » [H1] Session 18

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With the development of communication technology, the antenna of 5G base station is arranged near the main equipment area in the substation, which will inevitably cause electromagnetic interference to the secondary equipment in the station. Therefore, this paper analyzes the mechanism of electromagnetic interference from 5G base station antenna to secondary equipment in the substation, establishes the mathematical model of radiation field of 5G base station antenna and deduces its field source characterization formula. Therefore, combined with the electromagnetic scattering theory, a mathematical model of the spatial scattering field of electrical large-scale metal equipment in substations under the radiation of 5G base station antennas is proposed. The field strength distribution experiment test of Henan 500kV Guandu Substation 5G antenna in the substation verifies the accuracy of the algorithm. Finally, the influence of different operating frequencies, transmission power and angles of declination of 5G base station antennas on the electric field strength at the secondary equipment is studied. The calculation results show that the base station antenna transmitting power and angle of declination significantly change the electric field strength at the secondary equipment, and the maximum can reach 12.92V/m, exceeding the electromagnetic compatibility immunity threshold.
5G base station antenna; Electromagnetic interference; Electromagnetic scattering; Secondary equipment; Substation
Can Zhang
China Three Gorges University

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Can Zhang China Three Gorges University
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