[Poster Presentation]Coordinated Droop Control for Hybrid HVDC with Cascaded Multi-Infeed MMC Inverters

Coordinated Droop Control for Hybrid HVDC with Cascaded Multi-Infeed MMC Inverters
ID:171 Submission ID:75 View Protection:ATTENDEE Updated Time:2021-12-06 22:54:58 Hits:532 Poster Presentation

Start Time:2021-12-17 14:45 (Asia/Shanghai)


Session:[Z] Poster Session » [Z3] Poster Session 3: Power system and automation

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The hybrid HVDC with cascaded multi-infeed MMC inverters will be put into reality soon in China, but its MMC inverter in constant DC voltage control would become a rectifier when disturbance happens. Thus, to solve such problem and enhance the stabilities, the adaptive droop control is proposed for MMC inverters and a hierarchical coordinated adaptive strategy is designed, which are realized through three parts. The first coordinated strategy is to maintain the inverter side DC voltage in constant by shifting the MMC inverters’ droop curves, such that the operation variation will not change the DC voltage in droop control, where the power transferred by the hybrid HVDC would be varied if voltage deviation occurs; the second is to realize MMC inverters’ accurate power control for practical project and power dispatch, which is through the droop control reference adjustment. Based on the above coordinated strategies. The simulation results validate the effectiveness of the proposed strategy finally.
Hybrid HVDC,cascaded MMC,droop control,coordinated control
Rui Zeng
Sichuan University

Submission Author
Xinyao Zhu Jiangsu Electric Power Research Institute Corporation Limited
Rui Zeng Sichuan University
Jingbo Zhao Jiangsu Electric Power Research Institute Corporation Limited
Qin Jiang Sichuan University
Baohong Li Sichuan University
Tianqi Liu Sichuan University
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