Research on Optimal Calculation Method for Dynamic Core Temperature of 110kV Cables Laying in Pipes
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Updated Time:2021-12-03 10:43:30 Hits:506
Poster Presentation

Start Time:2021-12-17 14:55 (Asia/Shanghai)
Session:[Z] Poster Session » [Z4] Poster Session 4: High voltage and insulation technology
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The laying environment for 110kV cables laying in pipes is complicated and is more affected by environmental factors. In order to calculate the dynamic core temperature of 110kV cables laying in pipes more accurately, 5 kinds of environmental factors for 110kV cables laying in pipes are analyzed through finite element simulation. And the dynamic environmental thermal resistance is added to the transient thermal circuit model. An optimization method for calculating the dynamic core temperature of 110kV cables laying in pipes is obtained and the calculation accuracy of this method is compared with the existing method.
Dynamic cables core temperature; Environmental factors; Finite element simulation; Pipe laying; Thermal circuit model;

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