[Oral Presentation]Low-Frequency Oscillation Analysis and Suppression Based on Improved PLL Structure for Vehicle-Grid System of High-speed Railways

Low-Frequency Oscillation Analysis and Suppression Based on Improved PLL Structure for Vehicle-Grid System of High-speed Railways
ID:146 Submission ID:364 View Protection:ATTENDEE Updated Time:2021-12-10 20:16:19 Hits:511 Oral Presentation

Start Time:2021-12-17 11:00 (Asia/Shanghai)


Session:[B] Power electronic technology and application » [B6] Session 32

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Recently, the low-frequency oscillation (LFO) has occurred frequently in vehicle-grid system of high-speed railways. In this paper, the phase-locked loop (PLL) structure is enhanced to restrain the LFO of the vehicle-grid system, and the impedance mathematical model of the vehicle-grid system based on the improved PLL is bulit. Furthermore, the effectiveness of the improved PLL in suppressing the LFO is verified based on the generalized Nyquist stability criterion and the Starsim-based hardware-in-loop (HIL) platform. In addition, an improved impedance measurement method for single-phase systems is proposed to verify the effectiveness of the impedance mathematical model of rectifier after the improvement of PLL. Compared with the previous dq impedance measuring method, the proposed method can effectively reduce the times of disturbance injection, simplifying the measurement procedure.
train-network systems, PLL, impedance measurement, low-frequency oscillation stability
炜璐 张
student Southwest Jiaotong University

Submission Author
炜璐 张 Southwest Jiaotong University
祥宇 孟 Southwest Jiaotong University
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