The Engineering Practical Calculation Method of Circulating Current in YD-connected Transformer
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Updated Time:2021-12-03 10:42:08 Hits:513
Oral Presentation

Start Time:2021-12-16 09:30 (Asia/Shanghai)
Session:[C] Power system and automation » [C3] Session 15
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The circulating current in the D-winding may cause primary current waveform distortion, and the reliability of the restraint criterion based on the typical magnetizing inrush current characteristics will be affected. The magnetizing inrush current with typical characteristics is the sum of primary current and circulating current. Using the circulating current to compensate the primary current can improve the reliability of the differential protection. When the phase is not saturated, the magnetizing inrush current is about zero. Therefore, the primary current of unsaturated phase can be replaced by the opposite of the circulating current. Based on this, an engineering practical calculation method for circulating current is proposed. In the method, the segmented primary currents are used to replace the circulating current. Phasor analysis is used to demonstrate the application effect of this method when remanence coefficients are different. The method is simple and practical, and has strong applicability and high reliability. Simulation and recorded waveforms have verified the effectiveness of the method.
transformer,Circulating Current,delta winding,engineering practical

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