Deformation of water surface with different metal-water discharge modes
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Updated Time:2021-12-03 10:41:58 Hits:580
Oral Presentation

Start Time:2021-12-15 15:15 (Asia/Shanghai)
Session:[D] High voltage and insulation technology » [D1] Session 4
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The deformation of water surface with different modes of metal-water discharges are investigated by changing the ballast resistor of the electric circuit, the amplitude and polarity of the driven voltage. The discharge mode transforms among ‘DC glow’ , ‘filaments’ , ‘streamer corona’ and so on, which is different from metal-metal discharges. With the transformations of the discharge modes, the water surface deformation changes from the stable Taylor cone to the pulsing shaking or sink shapes. In addition, the water deformation can reflect the micro impact force of different modes of discharge which is difficult to detect. This investigation can be helpful for the application of the metal-water discharge.
atmospheric discharge, metal-water discharges, electro-hydrodynamics effects

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