[Oral Presentation]Fault Diagnosis of Inter-turn Short Circuit of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Wind Turbine under the Random Wind

Fault Diagnosis of Inter-turn Short Circuit of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Wind Turbine under the Random Wind
ID:12 Submission ID:25 View Protection:ATTENDEE Updated Time:2021-12-03 10:27:16 Hits:663 Oral Presentation

Start Time:2021-12-15 14:45 (Asia/Shanghai)


Session:[A] Renewable energy system » [A1] Session 1

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The existence of random wind will lead to the fluctuation of wind turbine output mechanical power, resulting in a large number of harmonic components in the generator output current, which will affect the accuracy of fault diagnosis of inter-turn short circuit (ITSC) of permanent magnet synchronous wind turbine (PMSWT). In this paper, aiming at the ITSC fault of PMSWT under the random wind, a detection method of wavelet packet transform (WPT) of q-axis current of PMSWT is proposed. The simulation platform of the ITSC fault of PMSWT under random wind is built, and the simulated q-axis current signal is decomposed by WPT. It is found that when the stator winding has the ITSC fault, the stator q-axis current wavelet packet decomposition (3,3) node has an obvious fault frequency. The simulation results show that the ITSC fault of PMSWT under the random wind can be effectively diagnosed through the above methods.
Permanent magnet wind turbine, Random wind speed, Interturn Short Circuit, wavelet packet analysis.
Yuzhang Gao
Shenyang University of Technology

Submission Author
Yuzhang Gao Shenyang University of Technology
Zuoxia Xing Shenyang University of Technology
Mingyang Chen Shenyang University of Technology
Jian Xu Shenyang University of Technology
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