[Poster Presentation]Optimization Strategy Of Wind-Photovoltaic-Energy Storage Grid Peak Shaving

Optimization Strategy Of Wind-Photovoltaic-Energy Storage Grid Peak Shaving
ID:11 Submission ID:15 View Protection:ATTENDEE Updated Time:2021-12-03 10:26:51 Hits:773 Poster Presentation

Start Time:2021-12-17 14:30 (Asia/Shanghai)


Session:[Z] Poster Session » [Z1] Poster Session 1: Renewable energy system

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Multi-energy complementation will help improve the peak shaving capacity of the power system and promote the consumption of new energy. This article first analyzes the output characteristics of wind and photovoltaic. Secondly, taking into account the safety constraints of traditional unit and the operation characteristics of energy storage, with the goal of maximizing the maximum negative peak shaving capacity of the system, a wind-solar combined energy storage grid peak shaving optimized operation model is established. Then the particle swarm algorithm is used to solve the model. Finally, the proposed strategy is verified by using the data of power companies in Northeast China. It is concluded that the peak shaving of the power grid combined with wind and wind energy storage improves the negative peak shaving capacity during the low load period, and is an effective means to alleviate the pressure on the peak shaving of the power grid and promote the consumption of new energy.
Wind power photovoltaic grid-connected; energy storage; peak shaving strategy; PSO algorithm.
慧 黄
学生 华北电力大学(保定)


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慧 黄 华北电力大学(保定)
永刚 李 华北电力大学(保定)
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